Violets are the inspirational visionaries, leaders and teachers who are here to help save the planet. Most Violets feel drawn to educate the masses, to inspire higher ideals, to improve the quality of life on the planet, or to help save people, animals and the environment.
All Violets have an inner sense that they are here to do something important, that their destiny is greater than that of the average person. Most Violets have felt this way since childhood. As children, many Violets imagined becoming famous, or traveling the planet, possibly joining humanitarian causes such the Peace Corp. Many of these charismatic personalities take on roles as leaders and teachers, while other Violets prefer to reach people through music, film or other art form.
Because our era is currently the “Violet Age,” any Violets who are not accomplishing what they came here to do are experiencing an inner “push” — even an inner “earthquake.” Inner forces seem to be shaking them up and pushing them to move into action, to fulfill their life purpose. Violets know they are here to do something significant. However, they aren’t always sure what that something is or how to accomplish it.
Many Violets were taught as children that their dreams and aspirations were unrealistic, so they have lost touch with their original visions. It’s important for Violets to reconnect with their life purpose and vision, and to take action. Otherwise they will always feel unfulfilled. They will always sense something is missing from their lives. Violets need to learn to slow down long enough to listen to their inner voice and to connect with their higher vision.
You and Your Personality Colors
Violets are the inspirational visionaries, leaders, and teachers who are here to help save or improve the planet. Most Violets feel drawn to educate the masses, to inspire higher ideals, to improve the quality of life on the planet, or to help save people, animals, and the environment. Violets have an inner sense that they are here to do something important, that their destiny is greater than that of the average person. Most have felt this way since childhood, when they imagined becoming famous or traveling the planet, possibly joining humanitarian causes such the Peace Corps. Many of these charismatic personalities take on roles as leaders, politicians, therapists, or teachers; others prefer to reach people through music, film, or other art forms.
When Violets are in power, they are compassionate, inspirational and humanitarian. They trust their inner visions, and they stay focused on accomplishing their higher ideals and fulfilling their dreams. They teach and inspire others by example.
When Violets are out of power, they lose faith in themselves and their life purpose causing them to become scattered and confused. This often leads to depression. Or out of power, Violets can become narcissistic, arrogant, and judgmental, thinking that they are better than everyone else is. They can become impatient and critical of other people’s apparent lack of vision and intelligence. They can also develop tyrannical personalities and love to be idolized by their “subjects.” Out of power, Violets have domineering and controlling qualities similar to those of out-of-power Greens.
Violets desire partners who are inspirational equals, partners who will soar with them or at least support their grand idealistic plans. Violets need passion and honest communication in their relationships. They often need companions who are willing to travel with them or at least who support their need to travel.
There are many famous examples of Violets, such as: the Beatles, Elvis Presley, Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Oprah Winfrey, George Clooney, the Dalai Lama, Gandhi, John Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Jr., Maya Angelou, Nelson Mandela, Queen Latifah, Sandra Bullock, Julia Roberts, Hugh Jackman, and many more.
Your Life Purpose
Violets are the inspirational visionaries, leaders, and teachers who are here to help save the planet. Violets have an inner sense that they are here to do something important, that their destiny is big. Most Violets feel drawn to educate the masses, to inspire higher ideals, and to improve the quality of life on the planet. Many of these charismatic personalities take on roles as leaders, humanitarians, therapists, ministers, politicians or teachers; others prefer to reach people through music, film, or other art forms. These visionaries also love to travel.
Violets usually have strong, dynamic personalities. They are natural visionary leaders who often use their passion and vision to inspire others. They typically radiate a tremendous charisma and sexual chemistry. Violets need to live remarkable lives so they need partners who can soar with them – those who can encourage and motivate them to reach their highest potential. To feel fulfilled, Violets need companions who are their equals, inspirational partners who share their visions. If they marry people who are weak, fearful, resistant, or uninspiring, Violets can become bored, unfulfilled, and eventually emotionally disconnected. They must experience excitement, growth, expansion, inspiration, and passion in their relationships.
Careers & Jobs
Violets are most fulfilled when they work for themselves or are as independent as possible. They have difficulty working for anyone else because they see too far ahead of others to be limited by people who are narrow-minded or shortsighted. When Violets work for organizations, they need to feel they are team members and able to be part of the decision-making process, not just employees. Also, Violets can outgrow their jobs quickly or become easily bored. Although some personality colors prefer security and stability, Violets need to experience growth, innovation, and expansion in their work.
Because Violets are here to inspire change on the planet and are charismatic in front of audiences, they are usually drawn to one (or all three) of the following categories.
The first is communications or the media. Violets are the performers and the communicators on the planet. The media is a perfect vehicle for Violets to reach the masses, as is performing on stage or in front of a camera, singing, dancing, acting, playing music, or modeling. Violets can also reach the masses through the Internet or off-camera by directing, producing, writing, painting, designing, marketing, advertising, or photography. Paul McCartney, Elvis Presley, George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, Cher, Sting, Barbra Streisand, and Oprah Winfrey all have violet as one of their Life Colors.
The second area is teaching or psychology. Violets enjoy teaching workshops, seminars, and classes. Because they are spiritual leaders, they may also teach and inspire as ministers. Violets seem to have an intuitive understanding of human behavior, which makes them natural counselors. The only way Violets can tolerate being psychologists or therapists, however, is if they lead frequent group sessions, write books, or interact with the media. Focusing on individual clients day after day is too tedious and limiting. They need to feel they are effectively reaching the world on a greater scale.
The third area is law, politics, or causes. Because Yellows and Blues typically do not like politics, Violets with these Combination Colors tend to veer away from law and politics. Blue/Violet and Yellow/Violet Combination Colors will frequently become involved in causes, however. They will usually choose environmental causes such as saving the whales and the rain forests, or humanitarian causes such as helping starving children and the homeless.
Violets are natural mediators. They want people to listen to one another, communicate openly, and discuss matters in a calm and fair manner. Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., John and Robert Kennedy, Gandhi, the Dalai Lama, Mikhail Gorbachev, and Nelson Mandela are examples of Violet leaders. (Note what happened to some Violets who became leaders before the Violet age was fully empowered. Some of their ideas were too far ahead of the times, and due to fear, they were eliminated from their leadership positions. Now that the Violet age has reached full power, the once-radical ideas of Violets are becoming accepted.)
Other areas to which Violets are drawn include philosophy, religious studies, world travel, the humanities, interior decorating, and advanced computer technology.
Typical Violet occupations include the following:
Performer, Psychologist, Actor, Social worker, Singer, Activist, Musician, Consultant, Artist, Lecturer, Writer, Politician, Designer, Lawyer, Producer, Company president, Director, Business owner, Camera operator, Developer, Photographer, Investment broker, Teacher, educator, Leader, Minister, Astronaut, Travel agent, Futurist, Mediator, Theoretical & Quantum physicist.
Money & Abundance
The wealthiest people on the planet are Greens and Violets. The difference between them is that Greens can take jobs just for the money and they can sell anything to anyone, but Violets (in power) cannot. Violets must believe in what they are doing, enjoy it, and know there is a higher purpose involved. When Violets are in power, the money flows in. Greens want money for the things it will buy – expensive clothes, cars, homes, and furniture. Although Violets also enjoy those items, they instead prefer to have money for the freedom it gives them to accomplish their missions. When Violets have money, they travel and become philanthropists.
Visualization is a powerful tool for Violets. If they desire more money, visualizing it in their lives will help attract it to them. Because Violets often criticize the destructive power of money, however, they fear that having wealth could make them appear less spiritual and humanitarian. This judgment can limit Violets’ ability to make money. Violets need to realize that being prosperous can enable them to accomplish their missions here and that money is not inherently evil.
Violets judge their success by how much freedom they experience, the quality of their performances, and how effective they have been in reaching their audiences. Violets have a statement to make. They feel fulfilled when they know they have reached people with their messages and have inspired change. Violets need to know they have done their part in making the planet a better place to live.
Eyesight challenges are common for Violets. Because Violets can see the future better than most people, many have misunderstood or felt threatened by them. To feel accepted by others, Violets often shorten their vision and start wearing glasses. To improve their eyesight, Violets need to give themselves permission to “see,” even if it means upsetting others.
Violets often gain excessive weight because they feel a need for protection; they are unfulfilled; they suppress their dynamic power— causing it to expand their bodies; or they feel a need to become larger in order to be seen. Many Violets never feel understood for who they really are. To lose the weight, they need to see, acknowledge, and accept themselves. They also need to stop suppressing their powerful energy and start accomplishing their missions. When Violets are confused and unhappy, they can also develop eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia.
With the scattered tendencies of out-of-power Violets, health problems can be varied and unpredictable. To maintain good health, Violets need to focus their attention on a few projects, not scatter their energies by becoming too busy. Meditation has a calming influence and can help Violets stay centered, which in turn keeps them healthy.