
Yellows are the most fun-loving, free-spirited, energetic, and childlike personalities in the personality spectrum. Yellows are wonderful, sensitive, optimistic beings, whose life purpose is to bring joy to people, to have fun, and to help heal the planet.

Yellows can either be very shy and sensitive, or they can be the life of the party. These playful characters have a great sense of humor. They love to laugh and to make others laugh. Yellows believe life is to be enjoyed. They like to live life freely and spontaneously. With a perpetual smile on their face, they remind people to not take themselves or their problems too seriously.

Yellows would prefer not to work at all, unless their work was fun, playful, or creative. They love nature, and often have concerns for the survival of wildlife and the environment. Dogs are very drawn to Yellows and often become their best friends.


You and Your Personality Colors

Yellows are fun loving, free-spirited, energetic, and playful. Yellows are sensitive, optimistic beings, whose life purpose is to bring joy to people, to have fun, and to help heal others or the planet.

Yellows can either be very shy and sensitive, or they can be the life of the party. They are often very athletic and enjoy sports. The outgoing Yellows have a great sense of humor. They love to laugh and to make others laugh.

In power, Yellows are healthy, active and optimistic. They believe life is to be enjoyed. Yellows prefer to live life freely and spontaneously. With a perpetual smile on their face, they remind people to not take themselves or their problems too seriously. They are simultaneously pleasers and stubborn – they want people to be happy but dislike being told what to do.

Out of power, they can be unmotivated, irresponsible, and addictive personalities. They can also have a fear of commitment. They can struggle to choose a career direction or decide what to be when they “grow up.” Usually Yellows don’t grow up – they are the perennial Peter Pans.

Yellows would prefer not to work at all, unless their work was fun, playful, or creative, or they could help heal people or animals. They love nature, and often have concerns for the survival of wildlife and the environment.

Examples of Yellows are: Ellen Degeneres (Yellow/Blue), Ashton Kutcher (Yellow/Violet), George Clooney (Violet/Yellow), Jim Carrey (Violet/Yellow), Eddie Murphy (Yellow/Violet), Chris Rock (Yellow/Violet), Goldie Hawn (Yellow/Blue), Meg Ryan (Yellow/Blue), Bill Cosby (Violet/Yellow), Whoopi Goldberg (Violet/Yellow), George Lopez (Yellow/Violet), David Spade (Yellow/Tan), Jamie Foxx (Yellow/Violet), Jay Leno (Yellow/Violet), and Adam Sandler (Yellow/Violet).


Your Life Purpose

Yellows are fun loving and free-spirited. They are optimistic beings, whose life purpose is to bring joy to people, to have fun, and/or to help people, animals or nature heal. Yellows can either be very shy and sensitive, or the life of the party. These playful characters have a great sense of humor and enjoy making others laugh. They believe life is to be enjoyed. They remind people not to take themselves or their problems too seriously.

Yellows are often artists, musicians, comedians, writers, designers, healers, doctors, massage therapists, veterinarians, athletes, lifeguards, gardeners, chefs, bartenders, and laborers.



The fun-loving Yellows need playmates. These big kids at heart need to laugh and enjoy life with their partner as their best friend. They love to make people happy, so they need partners who give them positive feedback, not constant criticism of their childlike and youthful behavior. If they get the impression that they are perpetually disappointing their partner, they will lose their natural enthusiasm and eventually give up trying to please their partner. They enjoy partners who are playful, happy, spontaneous, curious, optimistic, physically active and healthy, and content with the simple things in life.


Careers & Jobs

Yellows must have fun in their careers. They seldom choose only one career in a lifetime (unless they are a Logical Tan/Yellow Combination Color); instead, they prefer in a variety of careers. Life is like a candy store to Yellows. They need variety and choice. Yellows are commonly drawn to three basic fields: creative and artistic pursuits, health and healing, or physical labor and sports.

Some occupations Yellows are drawn to include the following:
Athlete, Comedian, Surfer, Artist, House painter, Musician (especially drummer), Construction worker, Writer, Laborer, Chef, Lifeguard, Interior decorator, Firefighter, Healer, Gardener, Doctor, Bodybuilder, Nutritionist, Auto mechanic, Veterinarian, Designer, Physical therapist, Bartender, Massage therapist, Park ranger, Maintenance worker, Waiter/waitress, Court jester for the world, Conservationist.


Money & Abundance

Money is not a motivating factor for Yellows. It does not take much money to make Yellows happy, nor do they want to work that hard for it. Typically, Yellows are not very financially reliable. They tend to play with money or spend it irresponsibly. They can be generous to a fault; money often seems to disintegrate in their hands. They usually have no idea what happened to the money they earned. Yellows often become involved with get rich quick schemes because it is easier than working. (This is especially true for Yellow/Green combinations.) Making and managing money can feel like too much responsibility. Yellows enjoy reading books with such titles as A Lazy Man’s Guide to Enlightenment or The Trick to Money Is Having Some. Yellows need to find a way to make managing their finances fun and creative – or better yet, find someone responsible to manage their money. Yellows can manifest anything they can get the physical “feel” for. So to create more money, Yellows should simply imagine how it would physically feel in their hands. This seems to be one their more fun methods to attract money.

Yellows do not judge their success in terms of money or physical possessions, but by how much fun they are having, by how much freedom and flexibility they have, and by how many people like them. Feeling young and healthy is also important to them.



Yellows in power are some of the healthiest people on the planet. Their positive, light-hearted attitude as well as their natural desire to exercise helps them live long, healthy lives. Most in-power Yellows have very long life spans. They also usually look and feel younger than their actual age.

When they are young, the energetic and rebellious Yellows tend to take a lot of physical risks — motorcycle riding, mountain climbing, racing, etc. But as they grow older, the fear of experiencing pain causes them to slow down and they begin reducing their risky and dangerous activities.

Yellows in power have abundant energy flowing through their bodies as if from an unlimited source. Because Yellows channel so much healing energy, they can usually heal their bodies quickly. But they can also have a hard time sitting still. While they are waiting or listening to someone they will often tap their feet, fidget or squirm. This is one of Yellows’ most recognizable traits. Exercise moves this energy through their bodies and helps them stay happy, healthy, and centered. Long-muscle exercises such as bicycling, swimming, snowboarding, yoga, dancing, volleyball, tennis, and surfing are great releases for Yellows. Otherwise, their intense, bottled-up energy can create an inner battle, causing them to become frustrated, depressed, and eventually ill. It is especially important for Yellows to release energy through their physical bodies when they are upset or angry. When Yellows stay active and fit, they are filled with joy, happiness, and a zest for life, and they are better able to deal with life’s challenges.

Any time Yellows become ill, it is a sure sign they are experiencing inner fear or conflict. Yellows don’t like dealing with conflict and will try to avoid or run away from it.

Physically, Yellows’ primary weak areas are their backs, legs, knees, feet prostate, and liver. When Yellows are out of power, holding back their feelings, being afraid to face issues or move forward in life, they create injuries or health issues predominantly in these areas. Yellows’ sensitivity also makes them prime candidates for colds. A suppressed inner hurt or a need to cry can often cause sinus problems.

Yellows have addictive personalities. Positive addictions can include exercise, sports, and creativity. When in power, Yellows like to keep their bodies fit. They love playing outdoors, exercising, and eating healthy foods. They are drawn to nature, sunshine, and warm weather. If they focus on positive addictions, they remain full of life, joy, and creative energy.

Out of power, Yellows often develop negative addictions including drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine, sweets, and overeating. They can even become addicted to watching television or playing computer games. Yellows usually become involved in negative addictions when there is conflict, unhappiness, or a lack of fulfillment in their lives, and they don’t know how to solve these problems. Often their inner conflicts began in childhood. Feeling as if they are unable to please parents is a common problem for Yellows.

Three activities can keep a Yellow healthy, happy, and balanced: exercise, refraining from negative addictive substances, and keeping a sense of humor. Spending time in nature is also very therapeutic for Yellows.